- 12 houses
- Large bungalow in grounds
- Viz splay acquired
- Agent Connells Land
- Westlea scheme
Golden Valley, Stroud, Gloucestershire
- 5 houses
- Large plots on former garden nursery
- Local agent
- Private road access
- Glass pit on site
- Bloor scheme
Ladygrove, Didcot, Oxfordshire
- 100 houses
- 8 acre greenfield serviced site purchase
- Definition of net developable
- Purchased from Wimpey Homes
Hempstead, Gloucestershire
- 400 houses in 4 phases
- Uplift on planning consent transaction with British Waterways Board
- Delivery of Hempstead bypass with Gloucestershire County Council
- Contribution to bypass negotiated
- Contributions to education, public open space and affordable housing
- Novel offsite s106 agreement on noise – not linked to consent, hence no ransom
- Sale of land to Bryant Homes and Barratt Homes
Haydn 3, Priory Vale, Swindon
- 500 houses
- Infrastructure for land with Walmart/Asda group
- Joint site purchase with Asda of ECC Group interest in Phase 3 of Haydn sector
- Consortium of developers
Andover, Area 6, Hampshire
- 300 houses
- Saxon way ‘bypass road’
- Archaeological interest – Iron Age
- Land swap with David Wilson Homes for 8 acre site in Burgess Hill, West Sussex
- Site sold by Savills on behalf of Trust
Amesbury, Wiltshire
- 1,400 houses
- 2 phases- second in consortium with Persimmon
- First phase M.O.D
- Replacement sports pavilion for M.O.D
- Original option taken with farmer
Milton, Oxon.
- 67 houses
- Former Cannons Lorry park
- Vacant Possession issue
- Privately maintained Public Open Space- avoided land value uplift
- 4no: very large plots to rear of site
- Private Street Works Act to secure access over covenant land
Burnham On Sea, Somerset.
- 400 houses
- 3 phases/land deals
- Eastern Relief Road
- Local Plan Allocation
- Sale of part to Sainsburys
Nursteed, Devizes, Wilts.
- 300 houses
- Delivery of new Eastern bypass
- New primary school outside the development envelope
- Consortium with Persimmon